Visualization products for Seafloor Litter data

This document describes the data management and computation methods used to produce the EMODnet Chemistry seafloor litter visualization products. The heterogeneities in the data described above induced some normalization depending on the product. The data used for the EMODnet Marine Litter Products have been homogenized and filtered in order to allow comparisons among countries. Thus, EMODnet Marine Litter products might not be comparable with source data accessible through other platforms.

How to cite
Thomas Amandine, Le Moigne Morgan, Quimbert Erwann, Molina Jack M Eugenia, Vinci Matteo, Cociancich A, Barth Alexander, Holdworth Neil, Giorgetti Alessandra, Galgani Francois (2021). Visualization products for Seafloor Litter data. Ref. EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry. 16p..,

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