Microbiota of The Digestive Glands and Extrapallial Fluids of Clams Evolve Differently Over Time Depending On the Intertidal Position

The Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) is the second most exploited bivalve in the world but remains threatened by diseases and global changes. Their associated microbiota play a key role in their fitness and acclimation capacities. This study aimed at better understanding the behavior of clam digestive glands and extrapallial fluids microbiota at small, but contrasting spatial and temporal scales. Results showed that environmental variations impacted clam microbiota differently according to the considered tissue. Each clam tissue presented its own microbiota, and showed different dynamics according to the intertidal position and sampling period. Extrapallial fluids microbiota was modified more rapidly than digestive glands microbiota, for clams placed on the upper and lower intertidal position, respectively. Clam tissues could be considered as different microhabitats for bacteria as they presented different responses to small-scale temporal and spatial variabilities in natural conditions. These differences underlined a more stringent environmental filter capacity of the digestive glands.


Clam, Microbiota, Digestive gland, Extrapallial fluids, Temporal variations

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How to cite
Offret Clement, Gauthier Olivier, Despréaux Garance, Bidault Adeline, Corporeau Charlotte, Miner Philippe, Petton Bruno, Pernet Fabrice, Fabioux Caroline, Paillard Christine, Le Blay Gwenaelle (2023). Microbiota of The Digestive Glands and Extrapallial Fluids of Clams Evolve Differently Over Time Depending On the Intertidal Position. Microbial Ecology. 85 (1). 288-297. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-022-01959-0, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00731/84266/

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