When water interacts with temperature: Ecological and evolutionary implications of thermo-hydroregulation in terrestrial ectotherms

Type Article
Date 2019-09
Language English
Author(s) Rozen-Rechels David1, Dupoue AndreazORCID2, Lourdais OlivierORCID3, 4, Chamaille-Jammes Simon5, Meylan Sandrine1, 6, Clobert Jean2, Le Galliard Jean-FrancoisORCID1, 7
Affiliation(s) 1 : Sorbonne Univ, Inst Ecol & Sci Environm, IEES, CNRS,UPEC,IRD,INRA, Paris, France.
2 : Univ Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, UMR CNRS 5321, Stn Ecol Theor & Expt, Moulis, France.
3 : ULR, CNRS, UMR 7372, Ctr Etud Biol Chize, Villiers En Bois, France.
4 : Arizona State Univ, Sch Life Sci, Tempe, AZ USA.
5 : Univ Montpellier, Ctr Ecol Fonct & Evolut, EPHE, Univ Paul Valery Montpellier 3,CNRS,IRD, Montpellier, France.
6 : Sorbonne Univ, ESPE Paris, Paris, France.
7 : PSL Res Univ, Dept Biol, Ecole Normale Super, CNRS,UMS 3194,Ctr Rech Ecol Expt & Predict CEREEP, St Pierre Les Nemours, France.
Source Ecology And Evolution (2045-7758) (Wiley), 2019-09 , Vol. 9 , N. 17 , P. 10029-10043
DOI 10.1002/ece3.5440
WOS© Times Cited 91
Keyword(s) behavioral decisions, body temperature, performance curves, physiological adjustments, water balance

The regulation of body temperature (thermoregulation) and of water balance (defined here as hydroregulation) are key processes underlying ecological and evolutionary responses to climate fluctuations in wild animal populations. In terrestrial (or semiterrestrial) ectotherms, thermoregulation and hydroregulation closely interact and combined temperature and water constraints should directly influence individual performances. Although comparative physiologists traditionally investigate jointly water and temperature regulation, the ecological and evolutionary implications of these coupled processes have so far mostly been studied independently. Here, we revisit the concept of thermo-hydroregulation to address the functional integration of body temperature and water balance regulation in terrestrial ectotherms. We demonstrate how thermo-hydroregulation provides a framework to investigate functional adaptations to joint environmental variation in temperature and water availability, and potential physiological and/or behavioral conflicts between thermoregulation and hydroregulation. We extend the classical cost-benefit model of thermoregulation in ectotherms to highlight the adaptive evolution of optimal thermo-hydroregulation strategies. Critical gaps in the parameterization of this conceptual optimality model and guidelines for future empirical research are discussed. We show that studies of thermo-hydroregulation refine our mechanistic understanding of physiological and behavioral plasticity, and of the fundamental niche of the species. This is illustrated with relevant and recent examples of space use and dispersal, resource-based trade-offs, and life-history tactics in insects, amphibians, and nonavian reptiles.

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How to cite 

Rozen-Rechels David, Dupoue Andreaz, Lourdais Olivier, Chamaille-Jammes Simon, Meylan Sandrine, Clobert Jean, Le Galliard Jean-Francois (2019). When water interacts with temperature: Ecological and evolutionary implications of thermo-hydroregulation in terrestrial ectotherms. Ecology And Evolution, 9(17), 10029-10043. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.5440 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00731/84305/