The Global Last Glacial Maximum: the Eastern North Atlantic (marine sediments) and the Greenland Ice Sheet climatic signal

This chapter summarises the environmental changes that accompanied the rapid growth of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets c. 35–30 cal ka BP and their maximum extent c. 29–19 cal ka BP, with a special focus on the European continent and its surrounding margins.


Last Glacial Maximum, ice sheets, palaeoenvironment, Europe

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How to cite
Toucanne Samuel, Landais Amaelle, Naughton Filipa, Rodrigues Teresa, Vazquez Riveiros Natalia, Sanchez Goni Maria fernanda (2022). The Global Last Glacial Maximum: the Eastern North Atlantic (marine sediments) and the Greenland Ice Sheet climatic signal. In David Palacios, Philip D. Hughes, Jose M. García Ruiz, Nuria de Andrés (Eds). 2022. European Glacial Landscapes. Maximum Extent of Glaciations 1st Edition. Paperback ISBN: 9780128234983 eBook ISBN: 9780128236079. Part III, Chap.26, pp.189-194.,

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