Abrupt (or millennial or suborbital) climatic variability: Heinrich events/stadials

The causes and consequences of the episodic iceberg-discharge events from the Hudson Strait Ice Stream of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, or Heinrich events (HE), are one of the most explored topics in Pleistocene palaeoclimatology. In this chapter, we summarise three decades of intense research while introducing recent results from both the European and Cordilleran Ice Sheets that could call for a paradigm shift in our understanding of the HE.


Heinrich events, Heinrich stadials, ice sheets, Last Glacial Cycle, climate changes

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How to cite
Toucanne Samuel, Naughton Filipa, Rodrigues Teresa, Vazquez Riveiros Natalia, Sanchez Goni Maria fernanda (2022). Abrupt (or millennial or suborbital) climatic variability: Heinrich events/stadials. In David Palacios, Philip D. Hughes, Jose M. García Ruiz, Nuria de Andrés (Eds). 2022. European Glacial Landscapes. Maximum Extent of Glaciations 1st Edition. Paperback ISBN: 9780128234983 eBook ISBN: 9780128236079. Part III, Chap.25, pp.181-187. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-823498-3.00062-5, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00736/84792/

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