Author(s) Tanhua Toste 1 , Lauvset Siv k. 2 , Lange Nico 1 , Olsen Are 3,4 , Alvarez Marta 5 , Diggs Stephen 6 , Bittig Henry c. 7 , Brown Peter j. 8 , Carter Brendan r. 9,10 , Da Cunha Leticia Cotrim 11 , Feely Richard a. 10 , Hoppema Mario 12 , Ishii Masao 13 , Jeansson Emil 2 , Kozyr Alex 14 , Murata Akihiko 15 , Perez Fiz f. 16 , Pfeil Benjamin 3,4 , Schirnick Carsten 1 , Steinfeldt Reiner 17 Affiliation(s) GEOMAR Helmholtz Ctr Ocean Res Kiel, Kiel, Germany. Bjerknes Ctr Climate Res, NORCE Norwegian Res Ctr, Bergen, Norway. Univ Bergen, Geophys Inst, Bergen, Norway. Bjerknes Ctr Climate Res, Bergen, Norway. Inst Espanol Oceanog, La Coruna, Spain. Univ Calif San Diego, Scripps Inst Oceanog, San Diego, CA ,USA. Leibniz Inst Baltic Sea Res Warnemunde, Rostock, Germany. Natl Oceanog Ctr, Southampton, Hants, England. Univ Washington, Cooperat Inst Climate Ocean & Ecosyst Studies, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. NOAA, Pacific Marine Environm Lab, 7600 Sand Point Way Ne, Seattle, WA 98115 ,USA.
Source Communications Earth & Environment (Springernature), 2021-06, Vol. 2, N. 1, P. 136 (4p.)
The ocean is mitigating global warming by absorbing large amounts of excess carbon dioxide from human activities. To quantify and monitor the ocean carbon sink, we need a state-of-the-art data resource that makes data submission and retrieval machine-compatible and efficient.