Alternative approaches to the segmentation of the EU fishing fleets. Workshop II - 28-30th March 2022
Summary of the test of the alternative segmentation tool on the French fleets.
Previous experiences and limits of the current EU-MAP fleet segmentation are presented. In light of these issues, the benefits of different alternative fleet segmentations are developed. Issues raised by data limitation for proposed alternative segmentation tool are also raised. Finally, application exercise of the alternative segmentation tool on the French national fleets operating in the supra-region Atlantic are summarised which lead to a flowchart proposal for the segmentation of the EU fleet taking into consideration all the issues highlighted before.
Demaneche Sebastien, Guyader Olivier, Le Grand Christelle, Merzereaud Mathieu, Vigneau Joel, Quentin Laurent (2022). Alternative approaches to the segmentation of the EU fishing fleets. Workshop II - 28-30th March 2022. Ref. Previous experiences, tests for application in the French context and recommendations. PDG-RBE-HISSEO, PDGRBE- EM, PDG-RBE-HMMN-LRHPB. Ifremer.