SEANOE - a thematic repository

The French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea has developed a repository for marine research data, called SEANOE. It is not an institutional repository, as it is open to all researchers in the field. SEANOE allows marine science datasets to be published easily, quickly and freely. The SEANOE project is managed by a project manager from the Sismer team. The Archimer solution had the advantage of offering a simple repository system, as well as a validation system, and of being very quickly operational. Datasets are accessible from the SEANOE front-office. The metadata are also stored in a structured way in format in the landing pages, which allows Google to index them in its Dataset Search tool. Reaching a critical mass of repositories, which is difficult to estimate, would ensure that SEANOE has sufficient visibility at the international level, which in turn would lead to new repositories.


A rchimer solution, dataset search tool, institutional repository, SEANOE

How to cite
Merceur Frédéric, Petit de La villeon Loic, Van Iseghem Sylvie (2020). SEANOE - a thematic repository. In Research Data Sharing and Valorization - Developments, Tendencies, Models. 2022. Joachim Schöpfel, Violaine Rebouillat (Eds.). ISBN : 9781789450736, Online ISBN:9781394163410 , DOI:10.1002/9781394163410. Chap.5, pp.77-96. Wiley.,

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