Structural and sedimentary origin of the Gargano - Pelagosa gateway and impact on sedimentary evolution during the Messinian Salinity Crisis

Circulation of water masses, sediment, and biotope between the sub-basins of the Mediterranean Sea strongly depends on morphological oceanic gateways. These geological features react to geodynamic reorganisation through volcanism, vertical movements, and/or the segmentation of sedimentary basins. Despite the palaeogeographic relevance of straits and oceanic-gateways, their evolution and impact on sedimentary transports and deposition in the Mediterranean remain in general poorly constrained. The Gargano-Pelagosa gateway is here first recognized as an influential element of the palaeogeographic/environmental evolution of the central-southern Apenninic foredeep and wedge-top domains during the Messinian, as shown by the integration of (i) seismic lines, (ii) well information from the Adriatic Sea, and (iii) a review of both onshore and offshore structural data and Messinian depositional environments. A palinspastic evolution is proposed for the Apennine and south Adriatic foredeeps during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC: 5.97–5.33 Ma). We highlight the implication of the pre-MSC structural legacy and the development of the Apennine and Dinarid-Albanian chains in 1) the isolation of the Apennine foredeep from the deep central Mediterranean domains at the peak of the MSC; 2) the vertical movements at the Gargano-Pelagosa structure and the Apulian Platform and 3) their implication in the deposition of a chaotic sedimentary body.


Mediterranean Sea, Segmented basin, Marine pathways, Messinian Salinity Crisis, Palaeogeographic and Palinspastic, reconstruction

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Publisher's official version
2728 Mo
Supplementary material 1. Non-interpreted SW-NE oriented seismic profiles along the CAB. Confidential agreement with Spectrum did not allow us to publish the seismic profiles of the CRO132D campaign.
-6 Mo
Supplementary material 2. Non-interpreted SW-NE oriented seismic profiles along the SAB. Confidential agreement with Spectrum did not allow us to publish the seismic profiles of the CRO132D campaign.
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Author's final draft
619 Mo
How to cite
Pellen Romain, Aslanian Daniel, Rabineau Marina, Suc Jean-Pierre, Cavazza William, Popescu Speranta-Maria, Rubino Jean-Loup (2022). Structural and sedimentary origin of the Gargano - Pelagosa gateway and impact on sedimentary evolution during the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Earth-science Reviews. 232. 104114 (27p.).,

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