Natural stocks of Pinctada margaritifera pearl oysters in Tuamotu and Gambier lagoons: New assessments, temporal evolutions, and consequences for the French Polynesia pearl farming industry

Knowledge of the status of the black-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera populations is critical for the sustainability of the French Polynesia black pearl farming industry. Indeed, this activity relies on collection of spat settling out of the water column, which is inherently related to the abundance of in situ benthic stocks and their reproductive capacities. From surveys performed between 2016 and 2021, we present new stock assessments of natural wild oyster populations from four contrasted pearl farming lagoons (Gambier, Takapoto, Raroia, Takume). Also using Ahe atoll historical data, we first highlight how results vary with the methods (Direct, Zonal and Cokriging) used to scale in situ density measurements to lagoon-scale stocks. Takapoto and Gambier populations were also previously surveyed at least twice since the 1980s, allowing to demonstrate with field data clear changes in stock distributions and population structures. The consequences of our findings are discussed to provide recommendations for stock monitoring and management in the future.


Sustainability, Aquaculture, Stock assessment, Habitat mapping, Population dynamics

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How to cite
Bionaz Océane, Le Gendre Romain, Liao Vetea, Andréfouët Serge (2022). Natural stocks of Pinctada margaritifera pearl oysters in Tuamotu and Gambier lagoons: New assessments, temporal evolutions, and consequences for the French Polynesia pearl farming industry. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 183. 114055 (18p.).,

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