From geochemistry to ecotoxicology of rare earth elements in aquatic environments: Diversity and uses of normalization reference materials and anomaly calculation methods

The geochemistry of rare earth elements (REEs) has been studied for a long time and has allowed us to highlight enrichments or depletions of REEs in aquatic ecosystems and to estimate anthropogenic inputs through normalization of data to different reference materials. This review of current literature on REE normalization highlighted the large number of different reference materials (a total of 12), as well as different anomaly calculation methods. This statement showed a real need for method harmonization to simplify the comparison between studies, which is currently very difficult. Normalization to Post-Archean Australian Shale (PAAS) emerged as being the most used (33 % of reported studies) regardless of the location and the nature of the studied samples and seem to of higher quality. The interest of other reference materials was nevertheless underlined, as they could better represent the geographical situation or the nature of samples. Two main anomaly calculation methods have been highlighted: the linear interpolation/extrapolation and the geometric extrapolation using logarithmic modeling. However, due to variations in the estimation of neighbors' values, these two methods produce many different equations for anomaly calculation of a single element. Current normalization practices based on shales and chondrites are suitable for abiotic samples but are questionable for biota. Indeed, normalization is increasingly used in studies addressing ecotoxicological issues which focus on biota and often aim to estimate the anthropogenic origin of bioaccumulated REEs. Due the interspecific variability, as well as the complexity of mechanisms occurring in organisms when exposed to contaminants, new reference materials need to be established to consider the bioaccumulation/metabolization processes and the anthropogenic inputs of REEs based on the results of biotic samples.


REEs, PAAS, Chondrite, Abiotic compartments, Biota

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How to cite
Rétif Julie, Zalouk-Vergnoux Aurore, Briant Nicolas, Poirier Laurence (2023). From geochemistry to ecotoxicology of rare earth elements in aquatic environments: Diversity and uses of normalization reference materials and anomaly calculation methods. Science Of The Total Environment. 856 (2). 158890 (15p.).,

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