Optimizing Fourier-Filtering WFS to reach sensitivity close to the fundamental limit

To reach the full potential of the new generation of ground based telescopes, an extremely fine adjustment of the phase is required. Wavefront control and correction before detection has therefore become one of the cornerstones of instruments to achieve targeted performance, especially for high-contrast imaging. A crucial feature of accurate wavefront control leans on the wavefront sensor (WFS). We present a strategy to design new Fourier-Filtering WFS that encode the phase close from the fundamental photon efficiency limit. This strategy seems promising as it generates highly sensitive sensors suited for different pupil shape configurations.


Adaptive optics, wavefront sensing, Fourier-filtering wavefront sensors, noise propagation

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How to cite
Chambouleyron V., Fauvarque Olivier, Plantet C., Sauvage J. -F., Levraud N., Cisse M., Neichel B., Fusco T. (2022). Optimizing Fourier-Filtering WFS to reach sensitivity close to the fundamental limit. Proceedings SPIE. Volume 12185, Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, 121852T (29 August 2022), 12p. + presentation. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2629452, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00801/91281/

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