Distribution and accumulation of metals and metalloids in planktonic food webs of the Mediterranean Sea (MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE campaign)

Type Article
Date 2023-01
Language English
Author(s) Chifflet Sandrine1, Briant NicolasORCID2, Tesán-Onrubia Javier Angel1, Zaaboub Noureddine3, Amri Sirine3, Radakovitch Olivier4, 5, Bǎnaru Daniela1, Tedetti Marc1
Affiliation(s) 1 : Aix Marseille Univ., Université de Toulon, CNRS, IRD, MIO UM 110, 13288 Marseille, France
2 : Ifremer, CCEM Contamination Chimique des Écosystèmes Marins, 44000 Nantes, France
3 : Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM), 28 rue 2 mars 1934, Salammbô 2025, Tunisia
4 : Aix Marseille Univ., CNRS, IRD, Collège de France, INRAE, CEREGE, 13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 4, France
5 : IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire), PSE-ENV/SRTE/LRTA, Saint-Paul-Les-Durance, France
Source Marine Pollution Bulletin (0025-326X) (Elsevier BV), 2023-01 , Vol. 186 , P. 114384 (14p.)
DOI 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114384
WOS© Times Cited 12
Keyword(s) Metals and metalloids, Planktonic food webs, Mediterranean Sea, Biomagnification, Contamination

Particle-size classes (7 fractions from 0.8 to 2000 μm) were collected in the deep chlorophyll maximum along a Mediterranean transect including the northern coastal zone (bays of Toulon and Marseilles, France), the offshore zone (near the North Balearic Thermal Front), and the southern coastal zone (Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia). Concentrations of biotic metals and metalloids (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Sb, V, Zn) bound to living or dead organisms and faecal pellets were assessed by phosphorus normalisation. Biotic metals and metalloids concentrations (except Cr, Mn, and V) were higher in the offshore zone than in the coastal zones. In addition, biotic Sb and V concentrations appeared to be affected by atmospheric deposition, and biotic Cr concentrations appeared to be affected by local anthropogenic inputs. Essential elements (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, V, Zn) were very likely controlled both by the metabolic activity of certain organisms (nanoeukaryotes, copepods) and trophic structure. In the northern coastal zone, biomagnification of essential elements was controlled by copepods activities. In the offshore zone, metals and metalloids were not biomagnified probably due to homeostasis regulatory processes in organisms. In the southern coastal zone, biomagnification of As, Cu, Cr, Sb could probably induce specific effects within the planktonic network.

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Chifflet Sandrine, Briant Nicolas, Tesán-Onrubia Javier Angel, Zaaboub Noureddine, Amri Sirine, Radakovitch Olivier, Bǎnaru Daniela, Tedetti Marc (2023). Distribution and accumulation of metals and metalloids in planktonic food webs of the Mediterranean Sea (MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE campaign). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 186, 114384 (14p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114384 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00808/91963/