Gonyaulax geomunensis sp. nov. and two allied species (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) from Korean coastal waters and East China Sea: morphology, phylogeny and growth response to changes in temperature and salinity

Type Article
Date 2023-01
Language English
Author(s) Kim Hyun Jung1, Li Zhun2, Gu Haifeng3, Mertens KennethORCID4, Yeon Youn Joo1, Yoon Kwak Kyeong1, Oh Seok-Jin5, Shin Kyoungsoon6, Yoo Yeong Du7, Lee Wonchoel8, Shin Hyeon Ho1
Affiliation(s) 1 : Library of Marine Samples, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, Geoje, Republic of Korea
2 : Biological Resource Center/Korean Collection for Type Cultures (KCTC), Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Jeongeup, Republic of Korea
3 : Department of Marine Biodiversity, Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xiamen 361005, China
4 : Ifremer, LITTORAL, Concarneau, France
5 : Laboratory of Coastal Environment and Ecology, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Republic of Korea
6 : Ballast Water Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, Geoje, Republic of Korea
7 : Faculty of Marine Applied Biosciences, Kunsan National University, Gunsan, Republic of Korea
8 : Department of Life Science, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsipriro, Seongdonggu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Source Phycologia (0031-8884) (Informa UK Limited), 2023-01 , Vol. 62 , N. 1 , P. 48-67
DOI 10.1080/00318884.2022.2140548
WOS© Times Cited 2
Keyword(s) Cell surface, Gonyaulax fragilis, Growth, Intercalary plate, Ribotype

Six strains of three different Gonyaulax species were established by isolating cells from the Korean coastal area and the East China Sea, and their morphologies and molecular phylogenies based on SSU and LSU rRNA gene sequences were examined. In addition, the growth responses of the Gonyaulax species to changes in temperature and salinity were investigated. Based on morphological features and phylogenetic positions, Gonyaulax whaseongensis and G. polygramma were identified, and G. geomunensis sp. nov. is proposed in this study. These species displayed the plate formula typical for Gonyaulax, but G. polygramma and G. geomunensis sometimes showed a small intercalary plate (1a) surrounded by plates 2’, *3’ and 3’’. G. geomunensis was morphologically characterized by an S-type ventral organization, descending with a displacement of one cingulum width and bearing one, two or three prominent antapical spines of similar size. The cell surface, which was distinct from other Gonyaulax species, was thick and heavily reticulated into numerous polygonal areas. The reticulation was deeply excavated. The phylogenetics revealed that G. geomunensis and G. whaseongensis belong to different clades, and that there are two ribotypes of G. polygramma, which were morphologically indistinguishable. These species had a close phylogenetic relationship to G. hyalina, and all of them were characterized by dextral torsion. G. whaseongensis, G. polygramma and G. geomunensis had different growth responses to changes of temperature and salinity, respectively, indicating that morphological and phylogenetic identification of Gonyaulax species can be supported by ecological niches.

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Kim Hyun Jung, Li Zhun, Gu Haifeng, Mertens Kenneth, Yeon Youn Joo, Yoon Kwak Kyeong, Oh Seok-Jin, Shin Kyoungsoon, Yoo Yeong Du, Lee Wonchoel, Shin Hyeon Ho (2023). Gonyaulax geomunensis sp. nov. and two allied species (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) from Korean coastal waters and East China Sea: morphology, phylogeny and growth response to changes in temperature and salinity. Phycologia, 62(1), 48-67. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1080/00318884.2022.2140548 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00813/92502/