Shallow Seafloor Sediments: Density and Shear Wave Velocity

Near-surface seafloor properties affect offshore mining and infrastructure engineering. Shallow seafloor sediments experience extremely low effective stress, and consequently, these sediments exhibit very low in-situ density, shear wave velocity, and shear stiffness. We combined data extracted from the literature with new laboratory and field results to develop a comprehensive understanding of shallow seafloor sediments. First, we explored the sediment-dependent self-compaction characteristics starting with the asymptotic void ratio at the interface between the water column and the sediment column. The asymptotic void ratio depends on the particle size and shape in coarse-grained sediments and on mineralogy and pore fluid chemistry in fine-grained clayey sediments; overall, the asymptotic void ratio correlates with the sediment-specific surface and compressibility. Second, we developed a fork-type insertion probe to measure shear wave velocity profiles with depth. Detailed data analyses confirm the prevalent role of effective stress on shear wave velocity Vs=α(σ′m/kPa)β, and the inverse relationship between α and β

parameters reveals that electrical interactions alter the velocity profile only in very high specific surface area sediments at very low effective stress and shows that ray bending affects the computed velocities only in the upper few centimeters (for the probe geometry used in this study). Probe insertion causes excess pore fluid pressure and effective stress changes; the ensuing time-dependent diffusion detected through shear wave velocity changes can be analyzed to estimate the coefficient of consolidation. Shear wave velocity profiles and velocity transients after insertion provide valuable information for sediment preclassification and engineering design.



Offshore geotechnics, Compressibility, Coefficient of consolidation, Excess pore-water pressure, In-situ testing

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How to cite
Salva Ramirez Marisol, Park Junghee, Terzariol Marco, Jiang Jiming, Santamarina J. Carlos (2023). Shallow Seafloor Sediments: Density and Shear Wave Velocity. Journal Of Geotechnical And Geoenvironmental Engineering. 149 (5). 04023022 (14p.).,

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