The French Mussel Watch: More than two decades of chemical contamination survey in Mediterranean coastal waters

Active biomonitoring of chemical contamination (e.g., Cd, Hg, Pb, DDT, PCB, PAH) in French Mediterranean coastal waters has been performed for more than two decades. This study aimed at presenting the current contamination in 2021 and the temporal evolution of concentrations from 2000. Based on a relative spatial comparison, low concentrations were measured in 2021 at most sites (>83 %). Also, several stations with moderate to high levels were highlighted in the vicinity of major urban industrial centers (e.g., Marseille, Toulon) and near river mouths (e.g., Rhône, Var). Over the last 20 years, no major trend was revealed, mostly, especially for the relative high-level sites. This likely constant contamination over time, plus slight increases of metallic elements at a few sites, still raise questions on the efforts that remain to be made. The decreasing trends of organic compounds, in particular PAH, provide evidence of the efficiency of some management actions.


Biomonitoring, Caging, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Trace metals, Organic compounds, Temporal trend

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Publisher's official version
95 Mo
Supplementary material 1. List of metallic and organic contaminants measured in mussels during campaigns from 2000 to 2021. EC: European sanitary threshold (European Commission, 2006), EQS:...
-19 Ko
Author's final draft
242 Mo
How to cite
Briand Marine, Herlory Olivier, Briant Nicolas, Brach-Papa Christophe, Boissery Pierre, Bouchoucha Marc (2023). The French Mussel Watch: More than two decades of chemical contamination survey in Mediterranean coastal waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 191. 114901 (9p.).,

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