In a marine teleost, the significance of oxygen supply for acute thermal tolerance depends upon the context and the endpoint used

Eight juvenile European seabass were exposed to two thermal ramping protocols with different levels of aerobic activity and tolerance endpoint: the critical thermal maximum for swimming (CTSmax) while exercising aerobically until fatigue, and the critical thermal maximum (CTmax) under static conditions until loss of equilibrium (LOE). In the CTSmax, warming caused a profound increase in oxygen uptake rate (M˙O2) culminating in a gait transition, from steady aerobic towards unsteady anaerobic swimming, then fatigue at 30.3±0.4°C (mean±SE). Gait transition and fatigue presumably indicate an oxygen limitation, an inability to meet the combined demands of swimming plus warming. The CTmax also elicited an increase in M˙O2, culminating in LOE at 34.0±0.4°C, significantly warmer than fatigue at CTSmax. The maximum M˙O2 achieved in the CTmax was, however, less than 30% of that achieved in the CTSmax. Therefore, the static CTmax did not exploit full cardiorespiratory capacity for oxygen supply, indicating that LOE was not caused by systemic oxygen limitation. Consequently, systemic oxygen supply can be significant for tolerance of acute warming in seabass but this depends upon the physiological context and the endpoint used.


Critical thermal maximum, Fish, Oxygen uptake, Swimming

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Nati Julie J. H., Blasco Felipe R., Rodde Charles, Vergnet Alain, Allal Francois, Vandeputte Marc, McKenzie David (2023). In a marine teleost, the significance of oxygen supply for acute thermal tolerance depends upon the context and the endpoint used. Journal Of Experimental Biology. 226 (11). jeb245210 (5p.).,

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