Extracts from Wallis Sponges Inhibit Vibrio harveyi Biofilm Formation

Pathogenic bacteria and their biofilms are involved in many human and animal diseases and are a major public health problem with, among other things, the development of antibiotic resistance. These biofilms are known to induce chronic infections for which classical treatments using antibiotic therapy are often ineffective. Sponges are sessile filter-feeding marine organisms known for their dynamic symbiotic partnerships with diverse microorganisms and their production of numerous metabolites of interest. In this study, we investigated the antibiofilm efficacy of different extracts from sponges, isolated in Wallis, without biocidal activity. Out of the 47 tested extracts, from 28 different genera, 11 showed a strong activity against Vibrio harveyi biofilm formation. Moreover, one of these extracts also inhibited two quorum-sensing pathways of V. harveyi.


biofilm, Vibrio harveyi, sponge extract, anti-biofilm activity, marine natural products

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How to cite
Caudal Flore, Rodrigues Sophie, Dufour Alain, Artigaud Sébastien, Le Blay Gwénaëlle, Petek Sylvain, Bazire Alexis (2023). Extracts from Wallis Sponges Inhibit Vibrio harveyi Biofilm Formation. Microorganisms. 11 (7). 1762 (15p.). https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms11071762, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00845/95721/

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