Marine Subdomain white paper for sustainable data management

The report provides the scope of the sustainability for the data management of the Marine subdomain, for the research infrastructures themselves and with respect to their contributions to ENVRI-FAIR and EOSC. Recommendations to consolidate the sustainability of the Marine subdomain contribution to EOSC beyond the ENVRI-FAIR project and the RI services are proposed.

How to cite
Dobler Delphine, Carval Thierry, Thijsse Peter, Buck Justin, Exter Katrina, Bernard Vincent, Cancouet Romain, Evrard Esterine, Obaton Dominique, Rodero Yvan, Vermeulen Alex, Jones Steve (2023). Marine Subdomain white paper for sustainable data management. Ref. ENVRI-FAIR Deliverable. WP9. D9.10.. Ifremer.

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