Rapid prototyping of a polymer MEMS droplet dispenser by laser-assisted 3D printing

In this work, we introduce a polymer version of a previously developed silicon MEMS drop deposition tool for surface functionalization that consists of a microcantilever integrating an open fluidic channel and a reservoir. The device is fabricated by laser stereolithography, which offers the advantages of low-cost and fast prototyping. Additionally, thanks to the ability to process multiple materials, a magnetic base is incorporated into the cantilever for convenient handling and attachment to the holder of a robotized stage used for spotting. Droplets with diameters ranging from ∼50 µm to ∼300 µm are printed upon direct contact of the cantilever tip with the surface to pattern. Liquid loading is achieved by fully immersing the cantilever into a reservoir drop, where a single load results in the deposition of more than 200 droplets. The influences of the size and shape of the cantilever tip and the reservoir on the printing outcome are studied. As a proof-of-concept of the biofunctionalization capability of this 3D printed droplet dispenser, microarrays of oligonucleotides and antibodies displaying high specificity and no cross-contamination are fabricated, and droplets are deposited at the tip of an optical fiber bundle.

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Courson Remi, Bratash Oleksii, Maziz Ali, Desmet Cloé, Meza Ricardo Alvarado, Leroy Loïc, Engel Elodie, Buhot Arnaud, Malaquin Laurent, Leïchlé Thierry (2023). Rapid prototyping of a polymer MEMS droplet dispenser by laser-assisted 3D printing. Microsystems & Nanoengineering. 9 (1). 85 (11p.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41378-023-00559-3, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00847/95884/

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