Evidence for low Vp/Vs ratios along the eastern Romanche ridge-transform intersection in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean

Very long oceanic transform faults do not just offset mid-oceanic ridges by hundreds of kilometers, but they also induce variations in the lithospheric structure and affect mantle melting, and hence the crustal accretion at the ridge-transform intersection (RTI). However, the deep structure of large offset RTIs remains unknown. Here, we present three-dimensional seismic tomography results (P- and S-wave velocities, Vp, Vs) in the vicinity of the eastern Romanche transform and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean, using arrival times from microearthquakes recorded by a recent temporary array of seafloor seismometers. We find that normal to low Vp/Vs ratios (∼1.7) are observed at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, representing weak serpentinization and the dominant magmatic processes, whereas high Vp/Vs ratios (∼1.8-1.95) are observed west of the RTI, at the eastern termination of the 2016 7.1 earthquake. However, unusually low Vp/Vs ratios (∼1.6-1.7) are observed at 0-15 km depth and in the region of the 2016 7.1 earthquake rupture zone. We suggest that the unusually low Vp/Vs ratios result from the presence of thick cracks at shallow depths (0-8 km) and/or the enrichment of orthopyroxene in the deep mantle (8-15 km).


oceanic transform faults, fracture zones, mid-ocean ridge processes, seismic tomography, ridge-transform intersection, earthquakes

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MMC. Supplementary information contains seven figures (Figs. S1-S7) used for seismic tomography, three figures (Figs. S8-S10) showing the seismic ...
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How to cite
Yu Zhiteng, Singh Satish C., Maia Marcia (2023). Evidence for low Vp/Vs ratios along the eastern Romanche ridge-transform intersection in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Earth And Planetary Science Letters. 621. 118380 (11p.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118380, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00855/96678/

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