Product User Manual for Global Ocean Reprocessed In Situ Observations of Carbon Product INSITU_GLO_BGC_CARBON_DISCRETE_MY_013_050

The carbon REP product are the data products SOCAT and GLODAP, reformatted to facilitate the access to Copernicus Marine Service users. SOCAT and GLODAP are voluntary efforts of the biogeochemical scientific community that provide harmonized, high-quality data necessary to evaluate and understand the inorganic carbon cycle in the oceans. SOCAT and GLODAP are endorsed by the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and are voluntary contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14.3: Life Under Water; minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels.

SOCAT (, the Surface Ocean CO2 ATlas, is a synthesis activity for quality-controlled surface ocean fCO2 measurements by more than 100 contributors from around the globe. It enables quantification of the ocean carbon sink, ocean acidification and the evaluation of ocean biogeochemical models. As such, it is used in the Global Carbon Budget (Friedlingstein et al. 2022). Version 1 was released in 2011. Automation has allowed for annual releases since version 4 in 2016.

GLODAP ( is a compilation of ocean interior observations of key carbon and biogeochemical variables, harmonized, quality controlled and bias-corrected. GLODAP data have been used for model evaluation, inventory calculations and calibration of BGC-Argo sensor observations. The first version was released in 2005, with cruises from the WOCE/JGOFS and GEOSECS programs. The second version included those in the first one and data from the CARINA and PACIFICA synthesis. The subsequent versions GLODAPv2.xxxx are extensions of GLODAPv2.

This Product User Manual describes the reprocessed biogeochemical product INSITU_GLO_BGC_CARBON_DISCRETE_MY_013_050 distributed by the Copernicus Marine In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (In Situ TAC): how it is built, what is the content, what data services are available to access them, and how to use the files.

How to cite
Castaño-Primo Rocio (2022). Product User Manual for Global Ocean Reprocessed In Situ Observations of Carbon Product INSITU_GLO_BGC_CARBON_DISCRETE_MY_013_050. Ref. CMEMS-INS-PUM-013-050. Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC.

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