Millennial atmospheric CO2 changes linked to ocean ventilation modes over past 150,000 years

Ice core measurements show diverse atmospheric CO2 variations—increasing, decreasing or remaining stable—during millennial-scale North Atlantic cold periods called stadials. The reasons for these contrasting trends remain elusive. Ventilation of carbon-rich deep oceans can profoundly affect atmospheric CO2, but its millennial-scale history is poorly constrained. Here we present a well-dated high-resolution deep Atlantic acidity record over the past 150,000 years, which reveals five hitherto undetected modes of stadial ocean ventilation with different consequences for deep-sea carbon storage and associated atmospheric CO2 changes. Our data provide observational evidence to show that strong and often volumetrically extensive Southern Ocean ventilation released substantial amounts of deep-sea carbon during stadials when atmospheric CO2 rose prominently. By contrast, other stadials were characterized by weak ventilation via both Southern Ocean and North Atlantic, which promoted respired carbon accumulation and thus curtailed or reversed deep-sea carbon losses, resulting in diminished rises or even declines in atmospheric CO2. Our findings demonstrate that millennial-scale changes in deep-sea carbon storage and atmospheric CO2 are modulated by multiple ocean ventilation modes through the interplay of the two polar regions, rather than by the Southern Ocean alone, which is critical for comprehensive understanding of past and future carbon cycle adjustments to climate change.

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Publisher's official version
217 Mo
Supplementary Figs. 1–7 and Tables 1 and 2.
121 Mo
Nine data tables included
-809 Ko
Extended Data Fig. 1: Stadial atmospheric CO2 changes based on latest high-resolution ice-core records during 30–65 ka.
-236 Ko
Extended Data Fig. 2: Modern Atlantic meridional distributions of [CO32−] (shading) and DIC (contours)
-133 Ko
Extended Data Fig. 3: Age model and sedimentation rate of core MD95-2039
-153 Ko
Extended Data Fig. 4: Comparison of changes between HS1 and HS11.
-116 Ko
Extended Data Fig. 5: Relative timing of deep-water [CO32−] and other proxy data during HS4-6 in core MD95-2039.
-231 Ko
Extended Data Fig. 6: Deep-water proxies and age model in core MD07-3076 from the South Atlantic.
-304 Ko
Extended Data Fig. 7: Deep-water proxies, surface export, and age model in core TNO57-21 from the South Atlantic.
-209 Ko
Extended Data Fig. 8: Deep-water [CO32−] at TNO57-21 and enhanced Southern Ocean ventilation during HS8.
-118 Ko
Extended Data Fig. 9: Changes in northern North Atlantic CO2 absorption in an Earth system model.
-95 Ko
Extended Data Fig. 10: Simulated climatic and biogeochemical responses to AMOC changes in an Earth system model
-324 Ko
How to cite
Yu J., Anderson R. F., Jin Z. D., Ji X., Thornalley D. J. R., Wu L., Thouveny N., Cai Y., Tan L., Zhang F., Menviel L., Tian J., Xie X., Rohling E. J., McManus J. F. (2023). Millennial atmospheric CO2 changes linked to ocean ventilation modes over past 150,000 years. Nature Geoscience. 16 (12). 1166-1173.,

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