Reexamining the Estimation of Tropical Cyclones Radius of Maximum Wind from Outer Size with an Extensive Synthetic Aperture Radar Dataset

The radius of maximum wind (Rmax), an important parameter in tropical cyclones (TCs) ocean surface wind structure, is currently resolved by only a few sensors, so that, in most cases, it is estimated subjectively or via crude statistical models. Recently, a semi-empirical model relying on an outer wind radius, intensity and latitude was fit to best-track data. In this study we revise this semi-empirical model and discuss its physical basis. While intensity and latitude are taken from best-track data, Rmax observations from high-resolution (3 km) spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and wind radii from an inter-calibrated dataset of medium-resolution radiometers and scatterometers are considered to revise the model coefficients. The new version of the model is then applied to the period 2010-2020 and yields Rmax reanalyses and trends more accurate than best-track data. SAR measurements corroborate that fundamental conservation principles constrain the radial wind structure on average, endorsing the physical basis of the model. Observations highlight that departures from the average conservation situation are mainly explained by wind profile shape variations, confirming the model’s physical basis, which further shows that radial inflow, boundary layer depth and drag coefficient also play roles. Physical understanding will benefit from improved observations of the near-core region from accumulated SAR observations and future missions. In the meantime, the revised model offers an efficient tool to provide guidance on Rmax when a radiometer or scatterometer observation is available, for either operations or reanalysis purposes.


Hurricanes/typhoons, Tropical cyclones, Wind, Remote sensing, Satellite observations, Statistical techniques

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How to cite
Avenas Arthur, Mouche Alexis, Tandeo Pierre, Piolle Jean-Francois, Chavas Dan, Fablet Ronan, Knaff John, Chapron Bertrand (2023). Reexamining the Estimation of Tropical Cyclones Radius of Maximum Wind from Outer Size with an Extensive Synthetic Aperture Radar Dataset. Monthly Weather Review. 151 (12). 3169-3189.,

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