Innovative data collection in French lesser Antilles to improve biological knowledge of demersal fish stocks.

Data collection of landings and fishing effort started in 2008/2009 in Guadeloupe and Martinique. The huge number of landing points with quick dispatch of the catches to buyers and other places has made catch composition monitoring and biological sampling extremely difficult. Adequate information of these small-scale, multi-species, multi-gear fisheries are necessary to assess fish populations, in particular those located on the continental shelf. In 2021, a new type of pilot survey (ACCOBIOM) was developed by IFREMER to collect new biological data about demersal fishes. On each territory, integral catches were bought from a sample of commercial fishers during 2 weeks at 3 distinct time periods of the year, from October 2021 to September 2022. Catches composition from 122 fishing trips allowed to sample a total of 25 271 individuals around the islands. Fishes were measured (individual weights, total / fork lengths) and sexed (male, female, indeterminate). Among the 181 species sampled, 36 were of particular importance for commercial and recreational fisheries. For these, additional informations were collected: maturity (macroscopic gonad observation) and age (mainly otoliths). The results of the survey will be used to improve local data collection on a routine basis with supplementary biological parameters from a priority list of species defined at EU level. The life history data will facilitate the development of effective stock assessment procedures with data-poor methodologies for a better management of marine commercial resources.

How to cite
Baudrier Jerome, Guyader Olivier, Pawlowski Lionel (2023). Innovative data collection in French lesser Antilles to improve biological knowledge of demersal fish stocks. GCFI76 - 76th Annual meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. November 6-10 2023, Nassau, Bahamas..

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