Working Group on the Biology and Assessment of Deep-sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP)

The ICES working group on biology and assessment of deep-sea fisheries resources (WGDEEP) provides scientific advice on 30 assessment units including stocks of deep-water species and those on shelf areas. Advice is provided in time intervals of 1 to 5 years for different stocks, with 1- and 2-years intervals as the most common.  
First draft of advice was prepared for 17 stocks this year. Available time-series for international landings and discards, fishing effort, survey indices and biological information were updated for all stocks and are presented in Sections 4–16 of the report.  
A request from the UK and EU about the allocation of advice to different management units for roundnose grenadiers was addressed. A response from the meeting was prepared to be provided to ACOM.
Exploratory assessments were presented to the meeting for tusk and ling in subareas 1 and 2 using length-based spawning potential ratio (LBSPR), and for black spot seabream in area 10 applying both surplus production models (SPiCT and JABBA) and length-based analysis (LBSPR and LBI indicators). In addition, an exploratory data-limited assessment on a stock where recreational fisheries are apparent was presented (Atlantic halibut in Norway).

How to cite
ICES (2023). Working Group on the Biology and Assessment of Deep-sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM. 05 (43). 1362pp..,

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