Observations sur la pêche de la seiche Sepia officinalis au casier en baie de Vilaine.

Type Communication avec actes
Date 1979
Langue(s) Français
URL alternative https://www.ices.dk/sites/pub/cm%20doccuments/forms/allitems.aspx?paged=true&pagedprev=true&p%255fsortbehavior=0&p%255ffileleafref=thumbs.db&p%255fid=17028&rootfolder=/sites/pub/cm+doccuments/1979/k&pagefirstrow=31&view=%7B7439c326-97db-46d6-9b07-e89b6d82655e%7D
Auteur(s) Perodou Jean-Bernard1, Pinget R
Affiliation(s) 1 : Institut des Peches Maritimes 8, rue Fran90is-Toullec 56100 LORIENT, France
Conférence ICES Annual Science Conference 1979. Varsovie, Pologne
Source ICES C.M. 1979/K:29 Comite des Mollusques
Note Comite des Mollusques et Crustacés. Réf. Cté sur la Technologie de Pêche
Résumé en anglais

Observations about spring fishery for cuttle-fish off south Brittany are presentcd. The gear used is a metallic pot baited with a life female or a life colourless male. The fishery takes place in very shallow water (0-5 m) and is very selective, males representing 87 p. cent 'öf,the catches. Pots are used by females for läying their eggs and the result of this is an important destruction of eggs at the end of the fishery season.

Size composition of catches are given but difficulties occur when attempt is maid to determine their age structure.

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Comment citer 

Perodou Jean-Bernard, Pinget R (1979). Observations sur la pêche de la seiche Sepia officinalis au casier en baie de Vilaine. ICES C.M. 1979/K:29 Comite des Mollusques. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00866/97816/