The Early Adopter Program for the Surface Water Ocean Topography Satellite Mission: Lessons Learned in Building User Engagement during the Prelaunch Era

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Hossain Faisal, Bonnema Matt, Srinivasan Margaret, Beighley Ed, Andral Alice, Doorn Bradley, Jayaluxmi Indu, Jayasinghe Susantha, Kaheil Yasir, Fatima Bareerah, Elmer Nicholas, Fenoglio Luciana, Bales Jerad, Lefevre Fabien, Legrand Sebastien, Brunel Damien, Le Traon Pierre-Yves (2020). The Early Adopter Program for the Surface Water Ocean Topography Satellite Mission: Lessons Learned in Building User Engagement during the Prelaunch Era. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society. 101 (3). E259-E264.,

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