Chemical Investigation of the Calcareous Marine Sponge Pericharax heteroraphis, Clathridine-A Related Derivatives Isolation, Synthesis and Osteogenic Activity

As a result of screening a panel of marine organisms to identify lead molecules for the stimulation of endochondral bone formation, the calcareous sponge Pericharax heteroraphis was identified to exhibit significant activity during endochondral differentiation. On further molecular networking analysis, dereplication and chemical fractionation yielded the known clathridine A-related metabolites 3–6 and the homodimeric complex (clathridine A)2 Zn2+ (9), together with the new unstable heterodimeric complex (clathridine A–clathridimine)Zn2+ (10). With the presence of the zinc complexes annotated through the LC-MS analysis of the crude extract changing due to the instability of some metabolites and complexes constituting the mixture, we combined the isolation of the predicted molecules with their synthesis in order to confirm their structure and to understand their reactivity. Interestingly, we also found a large quantity of the contaminant benzotriazoles BTZ (7) and its semi-dimer (BTZ)2CH2 (8), which are known to form complexes with transition metals and are used for preventing corrosion in water. All isolated 2-aminoimidazole derivatives and complexes were synthesized not only for structural confirmation and chemical understanding but to further study their bioactivity during endochondral differentiation, particularly the positively screened imidazolone derivatives. Compounds leucettamine B, clathridine A and clathridimine were found to increase type X collagen transcription and stimulate endochondral ossification in the ATDC5 micromass model.


sponge, clathrinida, Pericharax heteroraphis, clathridine, zinc complex, osteoporosis

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Jourdain de Muizon Capucine, Moriou Céline, Levasseur Marceau, Touboul David, Iorga Bogdan I., Nedev Hristo, Van Elslande Elsa, Retailleau Pascal, Petek Sylvain, Folcher Eric, Bianchi Arnaud, Thomas Mireille, Viallon Solène, Peyroche Sylvie, Nahle Sarah, Rousseau Marthe, Al-Mourabit Ali (2024). Chemical Investigation of the Calcareous Marine Sponge Pericharax heteroraphis, Clathridine-A Related Derivatives Isolation, Synthesis and Osteogenic Activity. Marine Drugs. 22 (5). 196 (20p.).,

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