Workshop on a research roadmap for Bristol and Western Channel Herring (WKRRBWCH).

Whilst ICES recognises three herring stocks in adjacent waters: North Sea autumn-spawners (her.27.3a47d), Celtic Sea (her.27.irls), and Irish Sea (her.27.nirs), there is no assessment and lim-ited biological understanding of herring in the western Channel (Division 7.e) and Bristol Chan-nel (Division 7.f). WKRRBWCH was convened to identify available data sources for assessment and management advice, review stock identity information and produce a roadmap for future research needs. Both fisheries-dependant and -independent data were evaluated, though there was only currently sufficient information to produce a landings-based assessment (ICES Catego-ry 5). However, WKRRBWCH noted discrepancies between landings data reported by ICES Sta-tistical Rectangle directly to the Workshop compared to estimates presented in the annual her-ring assessment working group reports which require an additional data call to reconcile. This data call should include landings reported by metier, rectangle, quarter, and year. A new stock coordinator and assessor will be identified to carry out the assessment and draft the advice. Fur-thermore, WKRRBWCH documents the need to describe all herring populations throughout these divisions by means of genetic analysis (see WKSIDAC2), particularly in the western Chan-nel, and analysis of physical samples currently held by external bodies (University of Swansea). These data are currently not available in sufficient detail or quantity to be considered for the basis of advice. Catch advice following the Category 5 method can be produced in time for HAWG (2025) with advice then given biennially.

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ICES (2024). Workshop on a research roadmap for Bristol and Western Channel Herring (WKRRBWCH). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM. 6 (47). 48pp..,

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