First elements to unify environmental RI efforts at national level: national scientific expectations across RIs (specific goals, expertise, data).

EU environmental Research infrastructures (RI) are the result of a construction by scientific communities and are therefore organised, most often, by thematic domains. They are designed to respond to scientific questions and/or service demands, and involve technological developments and innovations. However, a certain number of infrastructures are interconnected and/or allow for cross-cutting, interdisciplinary studies in various environments, from physical-chemical processes (climate, elemental cycles, etc.) to the functioning of systems. Research infrastructures in Earth system and environmental sciences are one of the cornerstones of the response to the major scientific challenges posed by the UN's SDGs for the 2030 horizon or those of the UN Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). They provide essential tools for making observations and acquiring data on processes and modelling them.

In order to optimize the position and role of JERICO-RI in the European landscape of environmental RIs and more particularly in the hydrosphere domain (such as EMSO, ARGO, DANUBIUS, AQUACOSM, eLTER), the present deliverable 1.2 aims at outlining a framework for collaboration with other IRs. Part of this task is being treated in the JERICO-S3 project by a top-down approach in JS3-WP2, the present work will ensure a bi-directional or even nested scientific approach by studying the landscape, the relationships already established by each national RI and the scientific and social needs.

 The main outcomes of this Deliverable D2.1 (preliminary version) are :

- A description of the landscape of environmental Research Infrastructures at European level, with a focus on those directly associated with the observation inland watersand ocean systems and therefore within the perimeter of JERICO-RI 

- Two national examples of structuring interactions between national nodes of European marine research infrastructures: France and Italy

- The formulation of preliminary suggestions for the implementation of a collaborative framework at  European level based on the prioritised societal needs expressed by the nations

This deliverable is a preliminary version, the full content will have to be discussed, enriched and validated by all WP1 members and representatives constituting the Nations Committee.

How to cite
Cocquempot Lucie, Magaldi Marcello G., Gremare Antoine, Brix Holger, Delauney Laurent (2022). First elements to unify environmental RI efforts at national level: national scientific expectations across RIs (specific goals, expertise, data). Ref. JERICO-DS-WP1-D1.2-01122022_V2.0. 22p..

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