Technical and Technology outlook for an operational JERICO-RI.

This deliverable is a “Technology outlook” for the JERICO-Design Study (J-DS) Task 2.1 that has been developed in collaboration with the scientific vision created in WP1 and provides an overview of the current status of JERICO-RI infrastructures from a national perspective and guidance on the technology design for the future JERICO-RI. The Technology outlook will provide the basis for the gap analysis performed in T2.2 and finally the roadmap for the technical design of the future JERICO-RI in T2.3.

Section 2.2 in this Deliverable summarises information given by J-DS national representatives on the technical aspects (i.e., platforms/sensors) of the national JERICO infrastructures. Inputs from nations were received through a questionnaire, elaborated with relevant J-DS and JERICO-S3 (J-S3) work packages, and filled out by nation representatives over a 3-month period in 2022. The compilation of national inputs focus on the technical aspects of the infrastructure (systems/platforms/sensors), and on questions that deal with how the JERICO-RI infrastructure should look and function in the future (5-10 years). 

Based on the information from the questionnaire, the underlying key scientific challenges (KSCs) and ongoing work within the WPs of JERICO-RI (both J-S3/J-DS), Section 4 provides a synthesis of the Technology outlook for the future operational JERICO-RI. This synthesis introduces a set of “core variables” considered to be essential to observe for the future operational JERICO-RI and the main platforms for (semi-)continuous sensors and observation that are involved. It also describes how the partners in JERICO-RI collaborate to provide high quality scientific coastal data and support coastal research and policy.

How to cite
Frigstad Helene, King Andrew, Seppälä Jukka, Kuuppo Katri, Elovaara Samu, Blauw Anouk, Meszaros Lorinc (2022). Technical and Technology outlook for an operational JERICO-RI. Ref. JERICO-DS-WP2-D2.1-24102022_V1.4 . 44p..

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