Data Management Plan for e-JERICO added value products

The WP3 task 3.5 ‘e-JERICO data lifecycle management’ objective is to address the most relevant aspects related to the lifecycle management of added-value data products which are and will be generated by the JERICO-CORE Data to Products Thematic Services (D2PTS). This document presents the Data Management Plan (DMP) of the JERICO-Research Infrastructure (RI) data products as per today which is composed of a DMP per existing data product, and includes a template to complete when new data products emerge. The Introduction section informs about what is JERICO-CORE and data products, it also presents the specificity of the DMP of JERICO-RI data products. The Method section details briefly the process that led to the DMP, including the information based on the Milestone 18 MS3.6 “Draft e-JERICO data management plan”.

How to cite
Brévière Emilie, Fernandez Juan Gabriel, Legrand Sébastien, Mader Julien (2023). Data Management Plan for e-JERICO added value products. Ref. JERICO-DS-WP3-D10/D3.4-2023.05.29-V1.0. 22p.. JERICO DS.

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