Report of the 6th meeting of the Network of Experts for ReDeveloping Models of the European Marine Environment

The sixth workshop of the "Network of Experts for ReDeveloping Models of the European Marine Environment" was held on 6-7 June 2023 in Ispra, Italy, jointly organized by DG Environment and DG JRC (Ocean and Water Unit) within the framework of the Administrative Agreement (N° 090202/2023/894429/AA/ENV.C.2- " BLUE2.3 2023-26").
This workshop, as part of the Deliverable 1.2 “Expansion of the ecosystems models for the North Western European Seas and for the South Western European Seas” of the AA, focused on the high trophic levels (HTL) modelling of the North East Atlantic (NEA) regions. The goal was to learn about existing work, using the software EwE, in coastal/continental shelf/deep areas, and assess the potentiality of the models to be used for policy scenarios testing. Part of the discussion was on models set-up (for the policy scenarios) and on possible collaborations to implement a regional NEA HTL model. This report summarizes the workshop and provides further detail on the presentations, discussion and conclusions.

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Piroddi Chiara, Serpetti Natalia, Marcia moy Diego, Garcia Gorriz Elisa, Polimene Luca, Ferreira Nuno, Duteil Olaf, Andonegi Eider, Bentley Jacob, Corrales Xavier, Gascuel Didier, Lynam Christoper, Potier Mikaëla, Szalaj Dorota, Villanueva Ching-Maria (2024). Report of the 6th meeting of the Network of Experts for ReDeveloping Models of the European Marine Environment. Ref. JRC138091. ISBN 978-92-68-18338-0, KJ-05-24-535-EN-N. Publications Office of the European Union.,

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