Sedimentology and geochemistry of basinal lithofacies in the Mesoarchean (2.93 Ga) Red Lake carbonate platform, northwest Ontario, Canada

The > 200 m thick Red Lake carbonate platform of the 2.940-2.925 Ga Ball Assemblage (Red Lake Greenstone Belt, Superior Province, Canada) is the oldest known carbonate platform preserved on Earth. This study exam-ined surface outcrops and multiple industry cored drill holes comprising a diverse assemblage of chemical and siliciclastic sedimentary rocks of the deeper water lithofacies associated with the shallow water carbonates. The offshore lithologies, underlying, interlayered with, and overlying the mainly stromatolitic carbonates, consist of alternating packages of sandstone, siltstone, carbonaceous slate, pyritic carbonaceous slate, chert, and oxide facies iron formation (OFIF). These interlayer with carbonate in transitional slope environments, which consist in places of carbonate with magnetite laminae above slumped carbonate debris in iron formation and/or carbo-naceous slate. Chert and OFIF were deposited further offshore in a suboxic environment, with lithology dependent on concentrations of seawater Fe(II) and silicic acid. The iron sulfides were deposited in a reducing, anoxic, and organic-rich bottom water and muddy pore water environment not conducive to Fe hydroxide or chert precipitation. Carbonaceous mud was the background sediment, accumulating during intervals when the precipitation of chert, Fe hydroxides, or massive layers of Fe sulfides was inhibited. The interlayering of differing assemblages of chemical and siliciclastic sedimentary rocks indicates temporal and spatial fluctuations in the chemistry of local paleo-seawater and variable sedimentation rates on the margins of the Red Lake carbonate platform. Post-Archean Australian Shale (PAAS)-normalized rare earth element (REE) systematics of carbonate and OFIF show positive La and Gd anomalies, super-chondritic Y/Ho ratios, and depleted light rare earth ele-ments (LREEs) relative to heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), similar to modern seawater, while the positive Eu anomalies in the carbonate and OFIF samples reflect hydrothermally influenced Archean seawater. The chemical sedimentary rocks exhibit enrichment of redox-sensitive elements (i.e., Cr, Mo, V, and U) compared to their siliciclastic associates. This, combined with concentrations of MnO up to 6.3 wt% and positive Ce anomalies in the iron formation directly below the carbonate platform, all indicate the likely presence of some O2 ca 2.93 Ga.


Archean sedimentology, Iron formation, Carbonate platform, Mesoarchean ocean geochemistry, Red Lake Greenstone Belt, Superior Province

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How to cite
Afroz M., Fralick P. W., Lalonde Stefan (2023). Sedimentology and geochemistry of basinal lithofacies in the Mesoarchean (2.93 Ga) Red Lake carbonate platform, northwest Ontario, Canada. Precambrian Research. 388. 106996 (18p.).,

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