Assessment of consumer preferences in the context of multiple labels: the case of fishery and aquaculture products

Labels are currently numerous and diverse in the fishery and aquaculture products (FAPs) market, providing consumers with information about the different attributes of FAPs. This extensive development implies that consumers have to face trade-off situations. This paper aims (1) to identify which labels are most valued by consumers when they face a trade-off situation, (2) to study the consumption profiles behind these preferences and (3) to suggest ways of improving the efficiency of labelling policies. Based on a survey conducted in 2021 (n = 1 427), this article describes FAPs consumers’ preferences for labelled FAPs. To do so, each consumer was asked to rank their favourite scheme from a pool of nine hypothetical labels related to specific FAPs characteristics. Then, we used a mixed multinomial logit model (MMLM) with marginal effects to analyse consumption profiles. Our results show heterogeneity among consumers regarding labelled FAPs. Overall, labels that ensure intrinsic qualities remain preferred to labels linked to ethical considerations. Moreover, while preferences for domestic productions are prominent, there is a very wide gap with real purchasing behaviour. Furthermore, this study shows that personal motivation, age, gender, knowledge or place of residence influence the preferences expressed. Labels are a policy tool used to reform the FAPs value chain. Nevertheless, they are struggling to achieve their objectives. Our results can be useful for better targeting the messages to be implemented, improving the efficiency of labelling policies and helping consumers to make informed and sustainable choices.


Multiple choices, Labelling schemes, Consumers’ preferences, Seafood, France, Multinomial mixed logit model

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How to cite
Dewals Jean-Francois, Lucas Sterenn, Daures Fabienne, Le Floc h Pascal, Heutte Kilian (2024). Assessment of consumer preferences in the context of multiple labels: the case of fishery and aquaculture products. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies. 105. 299-325.,

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