Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE)

The Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE) assesses 23 stocks within ICES divisions 3.a to 9.a, mainly across subareas 7, 8, and 9. This ACOM group is tasked with conducting assessments of stock status using analytical models, surplus production models or data-limited methods (DLS) to provide catch forecasts and a first draft of the ICES advice for 2025. A total of 11 stocks are scheduled for regular advice provision in June and two Nephrops stocks (FUs 2324 and 30) assessment are provided in October after the completion of the 2024 underwater TV (UWTV) summer survey. The other 10 stocks, under multiannual advice regime, will deliver advice in 2025. All the planned Terms of References (ToRs), both generic and specific to WGBIE, were covered. Age-structured assessment models were conducted for the northern and southern megrim (meg.27.7b–k 8abd and meg.27.8c9a), the four-spot megrim (ldb.27.8c9a) and sole (sol.27.8ab). Length-based models were applied to Northern and southern hake (hke.27.3a46–8abd and hke.27.8c9a), northern black-bellied anglerfish stocks (ank.27.78abd), and both white anglerfish (mon.27.78abd and mon.27.8c9a). An age–length structured model is used for the Bay of Biscay sea bass (bss.27.8ab). Surplus-production model was used to assess the southern black-bellied anglerfish (ank.27.8c9a) and the Nephrops stocks in FUs 25, 26-27 and 31 (nep.fu.25, nep.fu.2627 and nep.fu.31, respectively). Length-based and biomass trends-based methods were used to assess the pollack (pol.27.89a), sole (sol.27.8c9a), Nephrops in FUs 2829 (nep.fu.2829) and whiting (whg.27.89a). Two category 5 data-limited stocks are assessed with only catch data: southern sea (bss.27.8c9a), four-spot megrim (ldb.27.8c9a) and plaice (ple.27.89a). Two Nephrops stocks (FUs 2324 and 30) are assessed based on a UWTV survey abundance method. One stock was benchmarked prior to the WGBIE meeting (sol.27.8ab) with an age-based dynamic system via state variable. Future benchmarks for WGBIE stocks include the Bay of Biscay sea bass (bss.27.8ab) in late 2024, the two southern anglerfish stocks (ank.27.8c9a and mon.27.8c9a) and Nephrops in FUs 28 and 29 (nep.fu.2829), in 2025. WGBIE proposes a benchmark for Nephrops (nep.fu.30 and nep.fu.31), preferably, in 2026. All the data requested by ICES had been provided ahead of the meeting and did not cause any delay in the assessment process of the WGBIE stocks. In 2020, the migration of assessment to TAF (Transparent Assessment Framework) was initiated by ICES on some specific stocks. WGBIE have started this migration with two initial stocks (hke.27.3a46–8abd and sol.27.8ab). Three additional stocks are now available in the TAF system (sol.27.8ab, hke.27.8c9a and meg.27.7b–k 8abd). All forecasts and assessments were made following the ICES framework for category 1 (11 stocks), 2 (4 stocks), 3 (5 stocks) and 5 (3 stocks) and in agreement with the corresponding stock annex. Other points and issues raised during the meeting include: to continue and expand research collaboration with the genetic working group (WGAGFA) and support the continuity of genetic sampling collection; to continue the sea bass survey in Bay of Biscay estuaries; improve the development of Nephrops assessment methods using UWTV surveys; analyse the sensitivity of fishing indicator in data limited methods or develop and implement Management Strategy Evaluation technique for data limited stocks. Considerable time was allotted to present different exploratory analyses aimed to eventually improve the quality of their respective assessment and projections. This was mainly in response to the progressive increase of the retrospective patterns of most categories 1 and 2 stocks. The preliminary results are promising although further work was identified to correct these patterns in next assessment year.

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How to cite
ICES (2024). Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM. 6 (59). 762p..,

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