Joint ICES-PICES Working Group on Small Pelagic Fish (WGSPF - outputs from 2023 meeting)

The Working Group on Small Pelagic Fish (WGSPF) was established to review progress on un-derstanding how environmental and anthropogenic factors influence Small Pelagic Fish (SPF) population dynamics across different ecosystems. The group’s main aim is to foster international and multidisciplinary collaboration to establish comparative analyses and predictive capacities for SPF dynamics under varying ecosystem states.
This report addresses critical questions regarding the impact of various drivers on SPF popula-tions, the establishment of networking environments for collaborative research, and the identifi-cation and prioritization of research needed to advance knowledge and predictive capabilities concerning SPF population dynamics.
The group achieved significant progress in reviewing the influence of environmental and an-thropogenic drivers on SPF dynamics. Collaborative efforts led to the development of compara-tive analyses across different ecosystems. The findings underscore the complexity of SPF popu-lation dynamics and the critical role of environmental variability and human activities in shaping these dynamics. The work supports the need for ecosystem-based management strategies for SPF, integrating biophysical and socio-economic models to ensure sustainable fisheries manage-ment.
This report highlights the ongoing challenges in predicting SPF population dynamics due to the multifaceted nature of environmental and anthropogenic influences, emphasizing the need for continued research and data collection.
The 2022 SFP organized symposium stands out as a pivotal output, assembling international experts to share findings, methodologies, and future research directions on small pelagic fish. This event fostered significant advancements in understanding food web dynamics, the impact of environmental drivers on variability, and the development of models for forecasts and pro-jections. The working group's efforts have been documented in numerous peer-reviewed publi-cations and contributions to international symposia, showcasing the global collaborative nature of this research initiative.
WGSPF emphasizes the importance of continuing to refine predictive models for SPF popula-tions, integrating new monitoring and modelling technologies, and addressing gaps in knowledge regarding SPF responses to environmental and anthropogenic changes. Future pri-orities include continuing the compilation of world-wide databases for comparative analyses, extending the focus of studies to forage species, including mesopelagic fishes, squid, euphausi-ids, and other species; and prioritizing also effects on, and from, forage fish predators and com-munity-and ecosystem-level impacts.

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How to cite
ICES (2024). Joint ICES-PICES Working Group on Small Pelagic Fish (WGSPF - outputs from 2023 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM. 6 (48). 40pp..,

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