Report of the Second Meeting of the Regional Fisheries Data and Statistics Working Group (FDS-WG)

The Second Meeting of the Regional Fisheries Data and Statistics Working Group (FDS-WG) was convened online in three (3) sessions with the main session on 12–16 October 2020, extended session on 25–28 May 2021 and conclusion session on 10 March 2022. The Regional FDS-WG is a joint working group of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC), the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), and Organization for Fisheries and Aquaculture of Central America (OSPESCA). The second meeting of the FDS-WG contributed to:• review the FDS-WG first meeting intersessional work and develop consensus and identify remaining work needed for technical session topics (vessel mapping, sub area and divisions, list of main and reference species, WECAFC-FIRMS stocks and fisheries inventory, Small-Scale Fisheries Matrix, and Data Collection Reference Framework and standards);• review country updates on national data collection systems, vessel registries, continuing challenges and needs;• identify, prioritize, and develop a criteria list of national countries capacity-building projects;• review the FDS-WG Terms of Reference; and• develop the FDS-WG2 Workplan for 2020–2022, including recommendations in preparation for the extended session, and initiate WG recommendations for the WECAFC Scientific Advisory Group (SAG).


fishery management, fishery resources, stock assessment, sustainable fisheries, fishery statistics, fishery data, data collection, best practices

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FAO (2024). Report of the Second Meeting of the Regional Fisheries Data and Statistics Working Group (FDS-WG). FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report. (1393),,

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