Complementarity and sensitivity of benthic state indicators to bottom‐trawl fishing disturbance

Many indicators have been developed to assess the state of benthic communities and identify seabed habitats most at risk from bottom trawling disturbance. However, the large variety of indicators and their development and application under specific geographic areas and management contexts has made it difficult to evaluate their wider utility. We compared the complementarity/uniqueness, sensitivity, and selectivity of 18 benthic indicators to pressure of bottom trawling. Seventeen common datasets with broad regional representation covering a range of pressure gradients from bottom trawling disturbance (n = 14), eutrophication (n = 1), marine pollution (n = 1), and oxygen depletion (n = 1) were used for the comparison. The outcomes of most indicators were correlated to a certain extent with response to bottom trawling disturbance, and two complementary groups of indicators were identified: diversity‐based and biological trait‐based indicators. Trait‐based indicators that quantify the changes in relative abundance of sensitive taxa were most effective in identifying benthic community change in response to bottom trawling disturbance. None of the indicators responded to the trawling pressure gradient in all datasets, and some showed a response that were opposed to the theoretical expectation for some gradients. Indicators that showed clear responses to bottom trawling disturbance also showed clear responses in at least one other pressure gradient, suggesting those indicators are not pressure specific. These results emphasize the importance of selecting several indicators, at least one from each group (diversity and trait‐based), to capture the broader signals of change in benthic communities due to bottom trawling activities. Our systematic approach offers the basis from which scientific advisors and/or managers can select suitable combinations of indicators to arrive at a sensitive and comprehensive benthic status assessment.


benthos, biological traits, good environmental state, infauna, seabed integrity, seafloor habitats, soft sediments

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Van Denderen P. Daniël, Plaza‐morlote Maider, Vaz Sandrine, Wijnhoven Sander, Borja Angel, Fernandez‐arcaya Ulla, González‐irusta José M., Hansen Jørgen L. S., Katsiaras Nikolaos, Pierucci Andrea, Serrano Alberto, Reizopoulou Sofia, Papadopoulou Nadia, Sköld Mattias, Smith Christopher J., Nygård Henrik, Van Hoey Gert, Dinesen Grete E., Virtanen Elina A., Boyé Aurélien, García‐alegre Ana, Bellas Juan, Bolam Stefan, Muñoz Pablo Durán, Sacau Mar, Riva Giada, Kenchington Ellen, Raicevich Saša, Reid David, Roux Marie Julie, Hiddink Jan Geert, Valanko Sebastian (2024). Complementarity and sensitivity of benthic state indicators to bottom‐trawl fishing disturbance. Ecological Applications. INPRESS.,

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