Final report on integration

This Deliverable is the final report on integration activities in JERICO-S3 WP3: Integrated Regional Sites. Integrated Regional Sites (IRSs) are presented in the context of past Deliverables and JERICO-S3 strategic recommendations in Chapter 2: Introduction. This is followed by nine regional integration stories highlighting various integration activities that occurred during the project period within IRSs, between multiple IRSs, and between IRSs and Pilot Supersites (WP4; PSSs) are presented in Chapter 3: Main report. The integration stories in Chapter 3 represent topics from the WP3 roadmap plan that was established in Deliverable 3.1; the topics include regional integration, interoperability/harmonisation, business case, and organisation. The integration stories ranged from scientific integration/harmonisation achievements related to coastal phytoplankton observations and circulation, to organisation/business case activities that resulted in improved coastal observations and cooperation between partners and IRSs/PSSs. Conclusions from WP3 activities are presented in Chapter 4, and the final chapter also includes lessons learnt and recommendations for future regional integration activities within JERICO-RI.

How to cite
Frigstad Helene, King Andrew, Wehde Henning, Vitorino Joao, Pfannkuchen Martin, Brunetti Fabio, Rubio Anna, Karlson Bengt (2024). Final report on integration. Ref. JERICO-S3-WP3-D3.5-26072024-V2.0. JERICO S3.

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