User engagement strategy plan with metrics to assess user satisfaction/expectations

JERICO-S3 Work package 9, titled "A sustainable JERICO-RI: Preliminary design towards implementation", gathers information throughout JERICO-S3 and prepares specific recommendations to move towards a sustainable research infrastructure. Task 9.2 aims to analyse the users and their uses of JERICO products and services in order to define a User Engagement strategy that will benefit JERICO’s sustainability. As part of the overall process of defining a sustainable Business Model for JERICO, this strategy will enable and facilitate the creation of new, fit-for-purpose products and services and the fine-tuning of new ones tailored to users' needs, optimise access programmes, and provide a better response to the challenges of coastal observation, thereby making a major contribution to the financial and operational sustainability of a future JERICO. The User Engagement strategy plan presented here is divided into seven parts: (1) the identification of stakeholders; (2) the understanding of user needs; (3) the communication strategies deployed; (4) the training and support aspects; (5) the various feedback mechanisms envisioned for the RI; (6) the community building activities and (7) the iterative evaluation mechanism to keep updating JERICO. This comprehensive approach will help JERICO to effectively engage users and attract new users, and to translate satisfaction metrics and detailed feedback into concrete changes, to address areas of concern, ensuring the evolution of JERICO with its landscape.

How to cite
Epinoux Alexandre, Cocquempot Lucie (2024). User engagement strategy plan with metrics to assess user satisfaction/expectations. Ref. JERICO-S3-WP9-D9.2-220724-V6.0. JERICO S3.

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