SADCP data format converter and viewer, from oceanSITES to SeaDataNet TrajectoryProfile

This document is the milestone "M2.2: SADCP data format converter and viewer" from EuroGO-SHIP project

It describes the specifications of the converter that has to be developed to convert ADCP data at OceanSITES netCDF format (as the output of the CASCADE software used at IFREMER for the processing of ADCP data) to SeaDataNet netCDF trajectoryProfile format

The OceanSITES netCDF format is described in [1], the specificities of the files generated with the CASCADE software are explained in [2], and the SeaDataNet trajectory Profile data is specified in [3]. Ship-mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP) have been used for over 25 years, and have been available on most research ships for much of that time. They are easy to operate on a routine basis, permitting nearly continuous monitoring of the upper ocean current structure beneath each ship. The ADCP OceanSITES files generated by the CASCADE software (2] include current velocities (absolute velocities and velocities relative to the vessel) as well as the ship's speeds. Files are also enriched with auxiliary data (tide, bathymetry, etc.) and quality indicators on the data.

The particularity of ADCP data is that the measurements are done along the trajectory of the ship on a water layer (from depth x to depth y). In netCDF it means that the geophysical variables have another dimension (Depth) in addition to the Time dimension: that is the reason for the name of trajectoryProfile of the SeaDataNet netCDF format ([3], §4.5.5).

To increase the end user uptake, we have developed a web application SADCP Viewer [6]. SADCP Viewer is a reproducible web application based on pangeo environment [7, 8] and help users to better discover SADCP data on an web interface without manually downloading SADCP data stored in SeaDataNet.


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How to cite
Fichaut Michele, Gatti Julie, Lherminier Pascale, Odaka Tina, Franc Lea, Crouzille Sébastien (2024). SADCP data format converter and viewer, from oceanSITES to SeaDataNet TrajectoryProfile.

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