Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS)

The ICES Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS) is tasked with compiling and validating data from European marine recreational fisheries (MRF) to support ICES assess-ment and advisory processes. In 2024, WGRFS undertook a wide range of activities focused on MRF, including the consolidation and assessment of national survey programs, the validation of novel methodologies, and the provision of guidance regarding data availability, quality, and use. Additional responsibilities included facilitating regional data collection and storage, exploring human dimensions of MRF, and conducting assessments of workshops hosted by the group. These sessions emphasized information exchange, national survey program evaluation, interses-sional activities, and strategies for scientific publication.
Discussions covered a diverse set of topics, such as the launch and outcomes of new national survey initiatives across various regions, including China, Sweden, Azores, Croatia, and Aus-tralia. Updates on MRF were also provided by the European Commission and angling commu-nity representatives. Findings from the Regional Coordination Groups were shared, along with approaches to include MRF in assessment and advisory processes. ICES have been tasked with providing advice on MRF, so an ICES roadmap has been developed giving key recommenda-tions. MRF can be important as a food source, so the impact of this for food safety and human health was considered.
The core focus of the meeting centred on evaluating progress, developing strategies, and the intersessional groups (ISGs). The ISGs are the primary mechanism for WGRFS activities address-ing areas including governance, survey methodology, quality assurance, regional coordination and data storage, catch-and-release practices, animal welfare, stock assessment and reconstruc-tion, novel methods, human dimensions, and communication and engagement. Given the exten-sive scope of discussions and outcomes, a comprehensive summary is not possible here; how-ever, detailed information is presented in the main text.

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How to cite
ICES (2024). Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM. 6 (106). 46pp..,

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