First high-accuracy temperature measurements of underwater methane seeps Zelenka, Black Sea

We report the first high-precision temperature measurements of individual methane seeps in the Zelenka methane seep field, achieved with an accuracy of 0.003 degrees C, a sensitivity of 0.001 degrees C, and a sampling interval of 2 seconds. This paper reviews previous Bulgarian research on underwater gas seeps, with a particular focus on the extensively studied shallow methane seep field at Zelenka, located west of Cape Kaliakra. We discuss the feasibility of temperature-based monitoring and emphasize the necessity of temperature measurements as an integral component of underwater methane seep surveillance


temperature, methane, seeps, Zelenka

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How to cite
Vasilev Atanas, Petsinski Petar, Guyavarch Pierre (2024). First high-accuracy temperature measurements of underwater methane seeps Zelenka, Black Sea. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society. 85 (3). 301-304.,

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