Despite substantial research and conservation efforts, many salmon populations are in decline. Globally, salmon research is not delivering effective decision support products to help managers apply research insights as informed management actions. Data Mobilization (DM) is a key step towards building the wider evidence base required to deliver accountable, reliable, and usable scientific advice to managers. Best practices for DM are being adopted throughout the scientific community but have not permeated deeply into the culture of salmon research and conservation. To address this, we present a strategy for Salmon Data Mobilization (SDM). This strategy defines three spheres of agencies and practitioners that must interact to advance SDM: (1) authoritative bodies that can create policies to support SDM uptake; (2) agencies that can promote, fund, and implement those policies; and (3) the broad salmon community of practice that can support uptake of SDM within focused interest groups. We sketch a future for SDM and propose functional changes required to improve it throughout the community.
salmon, data mobilization, research community, FAIR, research culture
Diack Graeme, Bird Tom, Akenhead Scott, Bayer Jennifer, Brophy Deirdre, Bull Colin, de Eyto Elvira, Johnson Brett, Jones Matthew, Knight Alexis, Nevoux Marie, van der Stap Tim, Walker Alan (2024). Salmon Data Mobilization. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin. (7). 61-76.,