BlueMissionMed. Operational Implementation Roadmap

BlueMissionMed project aims to set up, structure and empower the Mediterranean Lighthouse area by supporting the development and deployment of transformative innovative technological, social, business and governance solutions for ensuring a 30-50% reduction of pollution of the basin hydrosphere by 2030. The present Operational Implementation Roadmap aims to serve as a planning and management tool – a compass- for achieving the Mission targets by 2030 in the Mediterranean Region. This involves a co-design process with key actors/stakeholders of the region to define a common vision and strategic priorities. The process includes the inter-relation of the technological/scientific, policy, economic and social ontology domains of the BMM project.

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Zeri Christina, Efstratiou Chrysa, Giannakourou Antonia, Kastanidi Erasmia, Streftaris Nikos, Francocci Fedra, Fava Fabio, Abaunza Pablo, Campogianni Stefania, Durand de Corbiac Claudiane, Garcia Mari Carmen, Garcies Maria, Guererro Nicky, Juarez Jordi, Madricardo Fantina, Mateo Ignasi, Moschino Vanessa, Perez Carolina, Rigaud Vincent, Ruyssen Maria (2024). BlueMissionMed. Operational Implementation Roadmap. Ref. D2.2. Ares(2024)4880475.

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