Seismotectonics of the Oriente Transform Fault revisitedFull TextFilePagesSizeAccess Résumé2286 KoOpen accessDownload How to citeCalais Eric, Leroy Sylvie, Poort Jeffrey, Lebrun Jean-Frédéric, Mercier de Lépinay Bernard, Gonzalez O'Leary, Moreno Bladimir, Granja-Bruna José-Luis, Roest Walter, Marcaillou Boris, Aiken Chastity, Klingelhoefer Frauke (2025). Seismotectonics of the Oriente Transform Fault revisited. EGU General Assembly 2025. 27 Apr–2 May 2025, Vienna, Austria., 2025, this text Oceanographic cruisesHaiti-TWiST