A simplified asymptotic theory for ocean surface electromagnetic wave scattering

The normalized radar cross-section ( NRCS) expression of the Local Curvature Approximation (LCA-1) is derived to first order. The polarization sensitivity of this model is compared to the Kirchhoff Approximation ( KA), Two-Scale Model (TSM), Small Slope Approximation (SSA-1) and Small Perturbation Method (SPM-1) to first order in the backscattering configuration. Analytical comparisons and numerical simulations show that LCA-1 and TSM could be rewritten with the same formulation and that their polarization sensitivities are comparable. Comparisons with experimental data acquired in C- and Ku-band reveal that the polarization sensitivities of these models are not adequate. However, the NRCS azimuth modulation predicted by LCA-1 is found to be dependent on polarization and sea surface roughness. This property of the LCA-1 model yields to an azimuth modulation for the polarization ratio. Based on the surface curvature correction concept, a simplified electromagnetic model is proposed. The curvature correction is restricted to the resonant wave-number of the sea roughness spectrum. This is found to reproduce the polarization ratio given by experimental data versus incidence angle and wind speed.

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How to cite
Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Reul Nicolas (2007). A simplified asymptotic theory for ocean surface electromagnetic wave scattering. Waves in Random and Complex Media. 17 (3). 321-341. https://doi.org/10.1080/17455030701230261, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/3001/

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