Histological study of a cellular reaction in Ruditpaes decussatus infected by a protozoan
An infection caused by a Perkinsus -like parasite has been observed in Ruditapes decussatus from Portugal (Comps and Chagot, 1987). Following a pathological study carried out on clams affected by mortalities in the Algarve area, this parasite was found again, inducing a reaction process in the host. Histological examination reveals the parasite in the connective tissue of different organs. The adjoining tissues, particularly the epithelia, are not affected.
Chagot Dominique, Comps Michel, Boulo Viviane, Ruano Francisco, Grizel Henri (1987). Histological study of a cellular reaction in Ruditpaes decussatus infected by a protozoan. Aquaculture 67 : 260-261. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/3109/